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Politíca de Privacidad

Aviso Legal

Las explicaciones e información proporcionadas en esta página son solo explicaciones e información generales y de alto nivel sobre cómo redactar su propio documento de Política de Privacidad. No debe confiar en este artículo como asesoría legal o como recomendaciones sobre lo que realmente debe hacer, ya que no podemos saber de antemano cuáles son las políticas de privacidad específicas que desea establecer entre su negocio y sus clientes y visitantes. Le recomendamos que busque asesoría legal para ayudarle a entender y asistirle en la creación de su propia Política de Privacidad.

Política de Privacidad - Lo Básico

Having said that, a privacy policy is a statement that discloses some or all of the ways a website collects, uses, discloses, processes, and manages the data of its visitors and customers. It usually also includes a statement regarding the website’s commitment to protecting its visitors’ or customers’ privacy, and an explanation about the different mechanisms the website is implementing in order to protect privacy.


Different jurisdictions have different legal obligations of what must be included in a Privacy Policy. You are responsible to make sure you are following the relevant legislation to your activities and location.

What to Include in the Privacy Policy

Generally speaking, a Privacy Policy often addresses these types of issues: the types of information the website is collecting and the manner in which it collects the data; an explanation about why is the website collecting these types of information; what are the website’s practices on sharing the information with third parties; ways in which your visitors and customers can exercise their rights according to the relevant privacy legislation; the specific practices regarding minors’ data collection; and much, much more.


To learn more about this, check out our article “Creating a Privacy Policy”.

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